Samsung Q700C vs LG SLM4R comparison definitely makes sense. Based on our rating, Q700C has a total rating of 7.4 out of 10 versus 5.2 for SLM4R.
Both soundbars have active amplification type. A significant difference between the units in the number of channels, the Samsung Q700C has 3.1.2 versus 4.1 for the LG SLM4R. The output power is different and equal to 320 (overall) W for the Q700C versus 420 (overall) W for the SLM4R. Competitors do not have a built-in subwoofer. Rivals have wireless connection to separate subwoofer. The Samsung Q700C got our rating of 8 out of 10, and the LG SLM4R 7 for its audio features and specs.
Spotify support is available on the Q700C.
Only the Samsung Q700C can connect to the Internet via WI-FI. Rivals from our review have Bluetooth support. Only the Q700C supports HDMI Audio Return Channel (ARC). Both soundbars have a USB connector. For connectivity, the Q700C received a rating of 10/10 versus 6/10, respectively.
App control is available in every soundbar. A built-in microphone is present only on the Q700C. Soundbars do not have Multi-room support.
Only the Q700C has a Dolby Atmos multichannel audio format support. A surround technology DTS:X is supported only by the Q700C. For multichannel surround Samsung Q700C got a rating of 10, and LG SLM4R 5 out of 10.